War, white and walk-about

28 January 2025

A wide range of subjects was covered last Monday, and all from the cameras of our own members.

The meeting started with an audio visual presentation prepared by Derek Dewey-Leader showing what remains of the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane after it was razed and the residents murdered by Waffen-SS troops in June 1944.  The village remains as it was left and is now a memorial to those killed.

One subject that is hotly discussed in photography circles, is “what is white?”  You only need to try and buy white paint to see the number of options.  This was the subject for Don Hart’s presentation to show that there can also be quite a few answers to that seemingly simple question.  The same photographic print can look very different depending upon how, and where, it is viewed.  A complex subject, well explained.

After the break Sue Scarlett offered two presentations based on photographing London after dark.  The first was a composite of pictures taken by Society members during our nigh-time walk in London at the end of last year showing how the same things (the London Eye, County Hall etc) can be shown in almost as many ways as there are photographers.  After that Sue ran an audio visual show of her own images from subsequent nocturnal visits set very well to the song London Town by the group Wings.

Next week we have the first Projected Image competition of 2025.  Pictures should now be with the PI Secretary.

Anyone feeling photographically competitive is welcome to join us on Monday evenings at Wyllyotts Theatre, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar from 7:30.

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