Projected Images of 2024
8 December 2024
After the Prints of the Year it has now been the time to find who made the “best” Projected Images in 2024.
As with the prints, all pictures that scored 19 or 20 (out of 20) during the five rounds held during the year were eligible for consideration by our external judge, Professor David
Wheeler FRPS. In the General Class, 38 pictures were in competition and Prof Wheeler held-back 17 of them for a second look showing the high quality of images before him. After much deliberation the following results were announced:
1st Place; Manjari Shah with her picture Feeling autumnal,
2nd Place; Terry Day’s picture, Canary Wharf and
3rd Place; Looking North by David Lobell.
Additionally three Highly Commended and three Commended awards were given.
After the tea break it was time for the Advanced Class.
The same selection criteria apply here but, as Prof Wheeler said, “this is a fantastic set of images, I will need to be reasonably brutal” [in his selections].
Because of the standard of images presented our judge had to be very selective in what he held back for a final review. Pictures that were felt to need just a minor crop, or were “just missing something” fell by the wayside. When the 21 led-back images were shown David exclaimed “look at the variety [of subject matter]”. Again, after much deliberation the results were:
1st Place; Sam Segar’s picture of St David’s Cathedral ceiling
2nd Place; Chris Gilbert’s creative view across London’s skyline called Iconic view and
3rd Place; Bob Scarlett’s view of Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial.
Four Highly Commended and four Commended awards were also given.
Prof Wheeler said that “you have put me in a very difficult position” because of the quality and variety of images presented to him. In her summing-up, Society President , Helen Frost, said that despite the number of pictures that had to be judged, David found time to make constructive comments on all of them in a very appealing style”.
That was the last evening of competition for The Society this year. Next week is our annual Christmas social and prize giving event before we start again in January 2025. The first gathering is an on-line presentation called Minimalism in Photography. We all gather again at Wyllyotts on 13th January for the first Print Competition of the New Year. In subsequent correspondence, Prof Wheeler said “I really enjoyed the evening…such a friendly club, I’d be delighted to return”.
- A picture being judged
- Prof Wheeler judging an Advanced Class image
- Manjari and David discuss her winning picture
- Sam with David Wheeler
- Manjari’s winning picture
- Sam’s winning picture of the ceiling at St David’s Cathedral