We’re back!

25 September 2024

We have re-started meetings following our summer pause.  The break gave some members time to undertake personal projects or prepare for our next round of competitions.  For others, it was a chance to go out with their and just see what happened.  One such was Geoffrey Lauder who decided to go to London with his camera to what he could find.  His visit co-incided with the State Opening of Parliament but he did not expect that would directly affect him.  So it came as quite a surprise when Kings Charles & Queen Camilla rode past him in their State Coach (the word had obviously got out that Geoff was in the area).

Our Autumn/Winter season started with a long-range Zoom meeting – with our speaker 12,000 miles away!  Cliff Threadgold is a Potters Bar native and long-standing member of The Society; indeed he still competes (remotely) and wins in our competitions, but now lives in New Zealand.  His presentation was called “Back from the wilderness” which was a fascinating reflection on Cliff’s photographic journeys around Europe, The Philippines, Nepal (where he also coached the national swimming team), Patagonia, New Zealand and others.  A self-confessed “photo opportunist” he does not specialise in any particular photographic genre but summarised his style as “just seeing things and making them look pretty.”

A great selection of images across many themes and all shown with a helpful, positive, narrative in a gentle style that kept us captivated to the end.

We are always happy to see prospective members (whatever equipment you use to take your pictures) at our meetings at Wyllyotts Centre on Mondays from 7:30pm.  Further information can be found at pottersbarphotosoc.org.uk.  Photos of Royalty not essential.

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