Variety on show

19 April 2024

There was quite a mix of skills and styles at a recent presentation by Society members.

Graham Coldrick explained the finer points of the newly revised rules for the photo tryptic competition in June. Three images on a theme of the photographer’s choosing are to be combined in such a way that they are shown to their best advantage. The need for a simple background was also emphasised.

This was followed by Tony Mead described what he does with some of his “lesser” quality images. That is “lesser” by Tony’s standards. Options offered were making a creative background from either an element of a picture (see attached flower images) or a sympathetic second image as well as creating an audio visual presentation to tell a story.

After the tea break Don Hart gave a show of how he spent a career lighting for television (dropping a few famous names along the way!). He explained how the technology had developed over the years as well as the often huge number of lights needed and how precise each element had to be in order to, basically, make it look like nothing was there. Also, how much of a team effort such an activity is.


Meetings take place at  Wyllyotts Theatre on most Mondays (see the Programme page) starting at 7:45pm.



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