The Ron Harvey Interclub Landscape Trophy 2023
24 October 2023
Our annual interclub landscape print competition for the “Ron Harvey Trophy” was held last night.
Ron Harvey was a member of Potters Bar for may years and a fine landscape photographer, after his death, his widow Reidun donated in his name a fabulous trophy in the shape of a Viking Boat! For many years Reidun came to the club in person to present the trophy, but we were sadly informed of her death at the beginning of September having reached the fine age of 99.
Six clubs competed last night and Judge Chris Palmer FRPS DPAGB EFIAP ASINWP made his way through the thirty six prints with a positive and constructive critique.
Congratulations to Loughton who were crowned the winners and our thanks to all the members who turned up to support their club’
Loughton 108
Potters Bar 102
Watford 102
WGC 101
Park Street 100
Southgate 95
Potters Bar’s entries