Seeing The Light (s)
28 February 2023
The Society’s 2023 activities programme started on Thursday with a visit to The Light Festival at Battersea Power Station. This regular event, now in its third iteration, displays new and varied light sculptures set on and around the restored Power Station. This year the iconic building was fully open to visitors and so initial photographic opportunities ranged from “people watching” through architecture to industrial heritage. Later on the group moved across the River Thames to make some images of the old power station and its lights reflected in the water. Returning across the river, time was taken to photograph the installations in more detail. A spokesman for the Society said that “this was a great start to the season of visits. It is interesting to see how six photographers approach the same subjects but often get very different results. This is the fascination of photography; the personal, creative, input. Our next “outing” is to photograph the carpets of bluebells in a local wood. This will give the opportunity for macro (close-up) pictures, wider views, Intentional Camera Movement and much else. Any member of the Society is welcome to attend these events that mix a social element with creativity and, if it is wanted, tuition”. The Society’s President, Graham Coldrick added that the visit”. It was well researched and we arrived at the right places at the right times and I am sure we all came away with some very useable shots.

by Lesley Alsford

by Graham Coldrick

by Colin Strong

by Yve Paige

by Lesley Alsford

by Colin Strong

by Graham Coldrick

by Yve Paige

by Colin Strong

by Lesley Alsford

by Lesley Alsford